Light Language is the language of the heart, the language of the angels and of the stars and is a catalyst for change and transformation.

When you receive Light Language you’re not just hearing or feeling sounds and vibrations, you are being infused with divine energy, connecting you to the higher realms, bringing through healing, wisdom and love that goes beyond what we can logically understand.

Light Language speaks to your soul, bypassing the logical mind.  The energy is not linear and the transmission allows you to connect deeply to the frequency, energy and vibration of this powerful sound technology, elevating your consciousness and allowing the light codes to reach where they are needed.

On entering your energy field, the light codes clear stuck energy, moving and releasing negative emotions, limiting beliefs and whatever is blocking and not serving you. 

This session is by Zoom. (Remote sessions also available)

Who Benefits from Light Language?

  • Empaths & Sensitives who pick up energy from others
  • Those Feeling Emotionally or Energetically Stuck or Blocked
  • Those wanting to clear the energy in a room/space
  • Anyone Looking to Raise Their Vibration
  • Those seeking inner calm
  • Those Searching for clarity & purpose
  • Those wishing to move on from past traumas
  • Anyone wanting to grow spiritually
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A Light Language Divine Transmission can help….

Clear What is Weighing you Down

Upgrade your Frequency and Realign your Energy

Release Unprocessed Emotions

Healing Areas Beyond your Conscious Awareness

Activate Your Gifts

Brings a Sense of Grounding & Deep Inner Peace

Be a Catalyst for Transformation

Connect you with Divine Energy



I’ve never experienced anything so powerful and I’ve done all the things!  I felt brought to the seed of the beginning of my existence and touched by light.  Nicola is a beautiful, deeply wise, and heart-full guide, healer and channel and this is undeniably what people and the world need right now!

Cicely, Astrologer

Book Your Divine Transmission Now

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I am not responsible for any choices or decision you make as a result of your Light Language Divine Transmission.  This Energy Healing is not to be used as a replacement for medical treatment, I am not a medical doctor.  For medical advice please consult a licensed doctor.

Click here to find out more about Light Language by tuning into our Podcast on YouTube