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Are You Ready to Rise & Evolve, Seeking Greater Meaning and Happiness in Your Life?

 'I am Rising' Membership, is a Sanctuary from the chaos & confusion of these transformative times - a place for connection and practical guidance that is rooted in real-life experience and spiritual wisdom, with a like-minded community of heart-led sensitives supporting you on your journey


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This online Membership is a place for people who sense the new spiritual energies entering the planet, who want to be with like-minds, learn, share & RISE.

Have you made a soul agreement to live at a Heart Based Consiousness, to Awaken your True Essence and Embrace a New Way of Life?

But even though you've felt 'intuitive nudges', and know there are bigger and brighter things on the horizon, it all feels rather overwhelming...

And not only that, most of your family think you're nuts and to add to that, you may be feeling like you're walking this path completely alone and you simply don't know what the next steps are or where to go for answers!

It's such a turbulent time, you are feeling and sensing a shift in the world, you feel it in your bones,  life's changing, you're changing, everything is speeding up and so much is surfacing to deal with, but there really is no-one to talk to about this and even if there was, where would you to begin?!

But here's the thing even though life's challenging... you deserve to Rise, to Expand, feel Inner Peace and have

Wholesome Relationships - this is a Journey of Discovery!


It's time to stop feeling alone and become part of a

Nurturing Like-Minded Community 


You Are Not Here By Chance! 
This is Your Opportunity To Grow
So you may ask,
What is 'I am Rising' all about?
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Spiritual Sanctuary

Dive into our ever-growing comprehensive library of transformative tools, teachings & techniques, including Sound Bowl Sessions, Meditations, EFT Tapping, Chants, Do-In (Self Shiatsu) and other Spiritual Self Care Tools.​​​

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Culinary Collection

Nicola’s CULINARY COLLECTION – her extensive collection of Rejuvenating Recipes,  Cooking Demonstrations and Healing Drinks & Dishes​​



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Transformational Teaching

Live Monthly Trainings:  Gain insights and wisdom from our LIVE monthly training session aound the 'theme' of the month.




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Ask your Guides

Come with any question…  This is the opportunity to chat with us both and receive live support around anything you may be finding challenging, mind, body and spirit, all your questions are welcome!


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Monthly Themes

A monthly 'theme' each month, where we will be encompassing mind, body, and spirit matters. This will include relevant and topical subjects we feel are important to discuss and share with the group.



Heart-Led Hub

A Nurturing Community Hub:  Connect with like-minded individuals and find meaningful connections in our supportive online community.




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Hello!  We're David & Nicola

Here's what you'll get instant access to....

Over 40 years ago, my career began as a Pharmacist, in 1989 I opened the first western pharmacies in Tbilisi and Moscow.  Then I ran a successful chain of Pharmacies in the UK.


My life and direction changed the day my young son was given a terminal diagnosis, Pharmacy had no answers, the medical profession couldn't help...


I turned to nature and rediscovered my spiritual roots.

I continued on my spiritual path, developing healing, psychic and mediumship abilities and went on to study and then teach the ancient philosophy and natural way of life that is Macrobiotics around the globe.


Now my work is as an Energy Healer and Guide, transforming negative energy from darkness to light and improving the lives of those who seek me out.

About David


About Nicola

I discovered in my twenties that I was Psychic and a Medium, receiving messages from people that had passed away and channelling ancient wisdom for clients during healing sessions.


The holistic and natural world was beckoning and everything in my world was beginning to make sense.


I was though struggling with health challenges and it was in April 2001 when I met David on a spiritual workshop, he introduced me to the healing power of food and my healing journey began.


We were destined to meet, to be together, learn together and share our healing with others.


My work now is as a messenger, channelling high vibrational energies, light language, angels, masters and star beings.  I work as a healer, assisting people to release emotions and to move into their hearts, so we can all raise the vibration of humantity on this journey of ascension.

We are all being called to rise up, to move into our hearts and raise the vibration of the planet.  The world is evolving, life on earth is shifting, change is in the air, bringing radical transformation... Do you feel it?


An age of peace and harmony has been foreseen by mystics and seers for thousands of years.  We are living on the edge, as our world shifts.  It is an intense time as all recalibrates, as people begin to awaken to the truth and collectively choose to break free from fear, division and control. We are moving into a time of peace and happiness, you may already sense there is something much bigger available to you.  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

​​Evolve & Grow and make Conscious Changes.  Between us, we have over 50 years of experience, we've been where you are now and have been working not only in the Spiritual Realms, but also as Healers, Mentors and Teachers of Energy and Holistic practices and the Natural Way of Life.  We've helped people all around the world and to be honest we cannot wait to share years of what we know with you, to help you on your journey.


Make changes but have a busy life and not a lot of time.  We have designed this membership for you!  You can dip in at your own convenience and implement small bite-sized changes when the time feels right, to make this journey as easy as possible.  If you can't make the LIVES, that's no problem, all the sessions will be recorded and can be accessed on demand.


Connect with like-minded people.  Our Heart-Led Hub is the perfect solution!  A community where you can create a sense of belonging, providing you with a nurturing environment where you can be supported and make meaningful connections.


Be the best version of yourself and nourish yourself from the inside out.  We are experts in the field of natural health, the energy of food and living in harmony with nature so you can be the shining light you were meant to be.  You'll find a whole section, Nicola's 'Culinary Collection', where she shares years of rejuvenating recipes, healing drinks and dishes and shares tips and advice that she has taught to thousands around the world. 


Find inner peace and learn ways to cope in todays crazy world.  Look no further, we will be sharing many resources and live teachings, from sound bowl journeys, meditations and light language, so you can have a renewed sense of hope for the future and find the inner peace and tranquility you are looking for.



'I am Rising' is MEANT for you if you want to....

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What people are saying…

“You and David are like two gods on the other end of the computer”

“Nicola and David’s energy, expertise, experience and love is infectious!”

“Part of me wishes I'd

done this earlier”

“Nicola & David's meteoric impact has no doubt changed the course of my life”

Are you ready to be part of a supportive community and have access to a library of useful resources that you can dip into whenever you need... and join us LIVE twice each month for 'Transformational teachings' and 'Ask your Guide' sessions where you can have all your questions answered?



'HEART-LED HUB'  Your Like-Minded Conscious Community for Connection & Support

LIVE 'TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHINGS' with Nicola, David or Special Guest every month

'SPIRITUAL SANCTUARY' an ever-growing Library of Self-Care Resources with Videos, MP3's & PDF's


Captivating Cooking Demonstrations

& an ever-growing Library of Rejuvenating Recipes


Monthly LIVE Group Calls

Come with all your Questions and 

ask your guides Nicola & David


(Saving £30)

'HEART-LED HUB'  Your Like-Minded Conscious Community for Connection & Support

LIVE 'TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHINGS' with Nicola, David or Special Guest every month

'SPIRITUAL SANCTUARY' an ever-growing Library of Self-Care Resources with Videos, MP3's & PDF's


Captivating Cooking Demonstrations

& an ever-growing Library of Rejuvenating Recipes


Monthly LIVE Group Calls

Come with all your Questions and 

ask your guides Nicola & David

Choose 'Guide on the Side' & Receive

Additional 1:1 Monthly Support


(Saving £70)

'HEART-LED HUB'  Your Like-Minded Conscious Community for Connection & Support

LIVE 'TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHINGS' with Nicola, David or Special Guest every month

'SPIRITUAL SANCTUARY' an ever-growing Library of Self-Care Resources with Videos, MP3's & PDF's


Captivating Cooking Demonstrations

& an ever-growing Library of Rejuvenating Recipes


Monthly LIVE Group Calls

Come with all your Questions and 

ask your guides Nicola & David




Monthly 60 minute 1:1 with

Nicola or David, to include Intuitive Guidance, Reading or Macrobiotic Natural Health Suggestions


'HEART-LED HUB'  Your Like-Minded Conscious Community for Connection & Support

LIVE 'TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHINGS' with Nicola, David or Special Guest every month

'SPIRITUAL SANCTUARY' an ever-growing Library of Self-Care Resources with Videos, MP3's & PDF's


Captivating Cooking Demonstrations

& an ever-growing Library of Rejuvenating Recipes


Monthly LIVE Group Calls

Come with all your Questions and 

ask your guides Nicola & David

©2024 Nicola McCarthy

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