Awaken your true essence and begin healing, activating and upgrading your whole being so you can live a more enlightened and fulfilled life?

Do you feel like the world you once knew is changing? Are you ready to let go of the old paradigm, and awaken to your true spiritual essence?

Do you want to embrace the new wave of light, heal and transform your energy, so you can live a heart led life of balance and harmony and awaken your highest potential?

Do you want to overcome your challenges as a sensitive, deepen your connection to your higher self, awaken your intuition and shine your brightest light?

Do you want to gain clarity, wake up every morning with a clear vision and seek a better sense of direction in your life?

Do you want to deepen an understanding of yourself and your relationships, so you can live a more harmonious life?

Book A Call With Nicola

Nurture your Soul, this is the Next Step in your Spiritual Evolution

It's an exciting to time to be alive, as our planet shifts into a higher frequency of love and unity. 

It's a time to grow, to let go of all that no longer serves us, as we too shift and raise our vibration.

Many things are surfacing right now for us to deal with, our past is catching up with us!  It's time to face our shadows and let go, in order to free ourselves so we can prepare for this monumental time.  A time that is the most important that there has ever been in the history of the planet.

As we all know, healing isn't easy, we need to move through the darkness to reach the light and I would be delighted to help you navigate your spiritual growth and transformation.

This time is different for everyone, you are unique and your needs and experiences are individual. 

The world needs sensitive souls more than ever before, it's time to step up and embrace your own magic, as we prepare for a future of love, harmony and unity.


As you evolve and change, you may find relationship dynamics alter.  This can be a challenging time, navigating not just your new internal world, but the shift in your outer world too.

You may seek deeper connections with people who share similar values, you may feel more comfortable around authentic people who share themselves fully, having 'open' and meaningful conversations.

Toxic and unhealthy relationships may become highlighted as you evolve and grow spiritually, this can take time, understanding the essence of who you are, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, so you can understand yourself, your partner, family and friends and identify areas that may need attention, resolving issues and letting go of negative patterns and beliefs.


Who said personal growth was easy?

As you rise, many things may show up ready for you to deal with.  This can be a tricky time, full of challenges as you navigate the way forward.

There can be many emotional obstacles holding you back, you may be experiencing fear of change or difficulty 'letting go'.  You may be doubting yourself and lacking the confidence to move forward.  

These issues can become compounded by external influences, as you receive pressure and expectations from loved ones who have difficulty themselves with your transformation!


As a sensitive you may find life overwhelming, experiencing others emotions and energy, this can be utterly exhausting.  Maintaining emotional boundaries can be hard work and feeling responsible for the emotional wellbeing of others can be too much!

Life can be too noisy, too chaotic, we don't want to upset others, so our boundaries become weak, we continually say 'yes'... I know!  I have been there too...

Balancing your own self-care with your responsibilities can be tough, but that's where I am here to help you navigate a way forward, so you can begin to take control back and create some balance, peace and harmony in your own life.


How do your manage your time and energy?

Sensitive people are much less likely to become overwhelmed when they have a clear sense of what is most important and how to manage their time and energy.

Wherever you are at on your spiritual evolution, navigating your heightened sensitivity aligning with your purpose and having a clear vision of what you want to achieve each day and is vital.  Honour yourself and find clarity will help you manage emotions, set boundaries, make important decisions, reducing your stress levels, and keeping those important relationships alive!

Introducing 1:1 Mentoring

With Nicola McCarthy

Often described as a force of nature, my mission is to touch and empower as many people as possible, so they can raise their frequency, create that divine spark and step into their highest self as we move into a wonderful new era of heart vibration.

I've spent the last 30 years studying, healing, teaching and mentoring all things natural, holistic and spiritual.

This has been my life's work and now as we shift into a golden time, the angelic realm have arrived to me to assist with your spiritual enlightenment.

My precious toolbox is full and I'm so excited to support you on your journey.

I cannot wait to help you heal, awaken the energy of your soul and create space for your transformation as you evolve on your own awakening journey. 

Here's a little bit more about me....

I'm known as an Angel Messenger, Energy Healer, Channel and Ascension Guide...  but before stepping into my spiritual shoes, mentoring and teaching people from around the world, I remember very clearly feeling isolated and misunderstood, I found it so hard to 'fit in'.

I knew there was something bigger for me, but I was full of fear, insecure, constantly people pleasing, trying to make everyone else happy all of the time, I was putting myself to one side, keeping myself small...

​But I also know how it feels to make peace with myself.  To know I am 'enough', to put my own needs first.  

If you are an empath, a sensitive, a holistic therapist or someone who just feels things deeply, then the biggest gift you could receive is to work on yourself.  Accept you're not perfect, but you are enough and then start to become aware and confront your deepest fears and challenges, your difficult relationships, your dark thoughts, learn how to protect your energy, how to cope around lower frequencies, how to raise your vibration....

It's a journey of healing, activating and upgrading our whole being, raising our consciousness, our awareness as we transform and ascend.

There is nothing better than to rise up and find balance, peace and harmony in your own life.

Here's What's Included:

During our time together, you will receive...


This first session is an opportunity for you to discuss what challenges you might be facing and what you'd like to focus on in our upcoming transformation sessions together.


To begin, you will receive a personal COSMOLOGY STAR READING, this will help guide us on your tailored individual path.


(or 9 x sessions in the 3 month package)

This is your personal opportunity each week for us to meet, discuss and work on anything that is coming up for you.

As we meet, we'll discover what is needed as we clear and let go, using a variety of healing techniques.


In addition to our monthly sessions and 1:1 support you will also have access to supportive resources to help you navigate anything that comes up during our time together.  This may include ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SOULD BOWL SESSIONS, LIGHT LANGUAGE ACTIVATIONS, QUANTUM HEALING, CHANNELLING FROM THE ANGELS AND GUIDES, GUIDED MEDITATIONS AND JOURNEYS.



One Month 

 1:1 Private Mentoring


Payment Plans Available

  • 1 x Consultation

  • 3 x Transformation Sessions

  • A Personal Ancient Cosmology Reading

  • Supportive Resources: Bespoke Light Language, Meditation & Alchemy Sound Healing
  • Whatsapp Support
Book A Call With Nicola Today

Three Months

1:1 Private Mentoring


Payment Plans Available

  • 1 x Consultation

  • 9 x Transformation Sessions

  • A Personal Ancient Cosmology Reading
  • Supportive Resources: Bespoke Light Language, Meditation & Alchemy Sound Healing
  • Whatsapp Support
Book A Call With Nicola Today


I am required by law to mention that readings are for entertainment purposes only.  All readings are simply meant to be taken as guidance.  I am not responsible for any choices or decision you make as a result of your readings.

Energy healing is not to be used as a replacement for medical treatment, I am not a medical doctor. For medical advice please consult a licensed doctor.